Category Archives: Drivers

RasPi with Touchscreen

I’ve wanted to use my RasPi with a touchscreen interface for awhile now, and have finally starting collecting the information I need.  Here’s the first haul:

First, you’ll need a screen to interface with the RasPi. For simplicity, you’ll want to find one with HDMI input and USB interface for the touch layer.  Here are some good examples:

Example 7″ Screen      Example 8″ Screen

Next, you’ll need to be able to interface with the touch drivers. Here‘s a great write-up (including Kernel building and XBMC patches).

Note: In lieu of buying one of the kit screens, you can use an old laptop screens with DVI/VGA with one of these, and then buy a matching size touch overlay.

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Posted by on March 6, 2013 in Drivers, Microcontrollers, Video


Parallel Port Communication with Peripheral

Use an old computer for a lab bench or just have one sitting around? Chances are good that if it’s more than a few years old, it’ll have a parallel port on it. If you also run Linux and want to play around with I/O you should take a look at this project. It’ll show you how to hook up a standard 16×2 LCD character screen to your parallel port, create drivers for it, and then control it using redirects to /dev/my_lcd.  Very cool!


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Posted by on February 24, 2012 in Drivers, LCD, PC, Software